Tuesday, January 22, 2013

same heart

well, right now i have the sounds of wood saws and men working on our floors in my ears!  SO EXCITING!  but it's a little nutty in this here house.  just saying.

I have caught up, however! I figured i might as well just share about TODAY's verse since i think chapter 22 is awesomesauce.

A generous spirit is better than money in the bank.  Prov. 22:1

Please tell Dan about this verse.  Seems the money in the bank is now depleted due to the floors. ;)  a gracious spirit?  the sweetest kind.

Point your kids in the right direction—
    when they’re old they won’t be lost.  Prov. 22:6

Love love love that one.  Seems lately D and i are in full PARENT MODE.  I heard on Focus on the Family recently that raising a teenager is a little like raising a toddler.  They are so amazing, funny, passionate, emotional, stubborn, and finding their independence.  LOVE THAT! but it can get a little crazy, ya know?  No matter, we are enjoying this season SO much, and we love watching our girl grow and change so quickly, yet her heart is still our Ab.  Love that heart.

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHH, I'm way behind but I love both those verses you shared Polly, and I hope to get caught up today. Wood floors are totally worth it and so much easier to keep clean than carpet...especially with a dog in the house. You tell D that even Chris would agree that hardwoods are an investment, NOT just a purchase.

    Toddlers..,so funny YET so stubborn. Have no idea who she gets that from ;)
