Sunday, December 30, 2012


well, day # 2 without our girl around.  still miss her, but totally know God is taking great care of her up there in the snow!  D and I started our day off with a little yoga in our jammies (the best kind) and church was awesome.  From John 15, about us being the branches and staying connected to HIM.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

off she goes

Here was Ab today before she left for her FOUR day winter retreat (with her youth group) up in Michigan! eeks!  She was super excited and Daddy and i were a little nervous.  What if she loses her sleeping bag?  Will she be warm enough?  Mostly we were so happy for her. All these new adventures are a joy to watch, even if we sorta miss her. a lot. :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

my favorite hikers

Well, hi!  It's almost 2013 so i decided it's about time to blog our life a bit.  Too much is happening to miss anything, ya know?  Abbi is 16.5 years old and each day brings a little crazy, and lots of love.  I am so thankful for those two in that photo above. We took a Christmas day hike!  Can't wait to post whatever feels right and whenever sounds good. :)  see ya!