Friday, January 11, 2013

careful now

phew, it's FRIDAY!

careful words make for a careful life. careless words may ruin everything.  ( Prov 13:3)

...another "words" verse. :)  i want to be more careful with my words, especially with Dan and Ab.  I admit we are pretty kind to each other in our house, we are not yellers or mean and our house is pretty calm. (as calm as it can be with me in it, haha)  However, if i get careless (crabby) it's usually with the ones i love most.  Abbi is greatly impacted by words (like her momma) so i have learned to write them down if i really want them to stick.  She love, love, loves written notes, texts, etc. :)

happy weekend!  I will be posting photos of Ab in her dress Saturday night!  eee! 

1 comment:

  1. My mom always wrote on my lunch napkins. I loved that and hope to write lots of kind words down for my kids too. :)

    Can't wait to see Abbi all fancied up. She's going to look gorgeous!
